org.jcoderz.commons.types (fawkeZ - Developer's Documentation)

Package org.jcoderz.commons.types

This package contains common type classes that can be used by any jCoderz Java project.


Class Summary
Date Immutable holder of a Date running through our system.
DateTest Test class to test the Date class.
EmailAddress This class represents an email addresses compliant to RFC 2822, chapter 3.4.1.
EmailAddressTest This test case checks basic functionality of the Email type.
JiraState Enumerated type of a jira state.
Period A Period data type represents a period in time.
PeriodTest Implements test-cases for the Period class.
StrongTypesTest Test the generated Strong Types.
Url Holds the Url.
YearMonth Encapsulates the Year Month type.
YearMonthTest Tests the YearMonth class.

Package org.jcoderz.commons.types Description

This package contains common type classes that can be used by any jCoderz Java project.

Classes in this package are only allowed to have a dependency to the JDK, to the org.jcoderz.commons package and the org.jcoderz.commons.util package.

Copyright 2007 The jCoderZ Project.